Sunday, February 27, 2011


I am planning on submitting photos to the project , IF ANY READERS care to be my models let me know..... I will give anyone who partakes copies for themselves too


The goal of the INvisible Project is to create chronic pain awareness through photographs of chronic pain survivors. Through visual images, the INvisible Project will show the determination and strength of those living with pain. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the INvisible Project will help those living with pain. WHO: Recognizing that pain is a national healthcare crisis that must be addressed, CT Pain Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded in 2006 to promote healthy support groups and other positive enrichment programs for those living with pain, is planning its inaugural chronic pain awareness event entitled INvisible Project.

WHAT: INvisible Project showcases the day-to-day experiences of ten chronic pain survivors in a photo journalistic style. Following each person for one day, photographer Syd London captures and highlights the struggles, triumphs and resilient spirit of the ten pain survivors. In order to represent the pain community accurately, various chronic pain disorders such as Arthritis, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Diabetic Pain, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Juvenile Arthritis, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and various other pain diseases will be featured.

read more about it on their website plus a lot more on pain Wishing you all PAIN FREE DAYS Jim Misener

1 comment:

  1. strange the whole post turned into a link to the photo I used.
    here is the link to the Invisible Project Webpage

    you most likely will have to copy and paste it into your browser
    but who knows maybe it will turn out as a hyperlink
